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Horizon Series

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  • Description
  • Accessories

The Horizon Electronic gas fireplace includes a programmable remote ValorStat Plus technologies, which corresponds to a cruise control for your gas fireplace at home !

  • The Horizon fireplace comes with an electronic pilot ignitior, you can start your gas fireplace conveniently with your Valor remote control system
  • 2 Unique fire bed options for the H4 fireplace : Traditional log or Creekside (river rock and driftwood fire bed)
  • High input of 24,000 BTU heat power with an highly efficient turndown to 6,500 BTU when using natural gas with your fireplace
  • An optional High Input Kit for up to 30,000 BTU in heat power is made available for this Horizon Fireplace
  • This fireplace includes a modulating fire turns down for steady and even heat in your home
  • No electricity is required for this heating technology, the H4 gas fireplace will operate even during a power outage
  • Fan free heating system
  • The Horizon Electronic gas fireplace co-linear direct vent system can be installed practically anywhere you desire
  • Rear vent capacity installation (on most applications)
  • This Horizon fireplace also benefits from a large and elegant ceramic glass window
  • An agreeable and realistic ceramic log set with an authentic looking firebrick liners confer this gas fireplace lots of chariacter
  • An optional Enamel Firebox Liners for a contemporary look and feel can agrement your Horizon gas fireplace
  • This fireplace comes with an aluminized firebox and stainless steel burners for long life and use
  • Benefits from our limited lifetime warranty program

  • High Input Kit for up to 30,000 BTU in heat power is made available for this Horizon Fireplace
  • Enamel Firebox Liners for a contemporary look and feel can agrement your Horizon gas fireplace

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